
  • 剧情 
    Lisa, a 17 years old girl, throws herself into porn and self pleasures due to stress from her worsening relationship with her recently remarried mother, who is also pressuring her to have a religious conversion.   Her best friend, Sarah, is the only one who knows about her plight. They have a tight relationship, as they feel that the only thing they have in this world is each oth...
  • 恐怖 
  • 纽约警察局一名被杀警官的儿子加入了警队,在那里他与他父亲的前搭档和一队流氓警察发生了冲突。
  • 射手

    Lauren Pierce has just become the high-school Tri-State Archery Champion. After the competition, Lauren and her teammate Emily return to their hotel room for a night of irresponsible celebratory drinking that grows into more. When interrupted by Emily's abusive boyfriend, Lauren snaps and brutally beats Daniel. Lauren is then sentenced to a girls' reform camp Paradise Ridge, nestled in the mountains of California. But this reform camp turns out to be a corrupt and twisted prison that breaks young girls and keeps parents in the dark .With the help of Rebecca, a strong and provocative young woman whom Lauren befriends, the two escape the unsafe facility and fight for their lives out in the Utah wilderness; a journey of growth, acceptance and resilience of what they believe is right.
  • 泰迪•华斯比是一只出生在维罗尼亚的小熊,他善良可爱,聪明能干,富于冒险精神。他找到一张藏宝图,于是便和最好的朋友,八只脚的戈鲁比起程前往神秘莫测的未知国度格兰多。格兰多风景美丽,奇观繁多,这里还生活着许多人们前所未见的奇怪生物。华斯比他们很快结实了聪明的发明家牛顿•杰米克。在牛顿各种有趣发明的帮助下,格兰多每一个角落都留下了他们的欢声笑语。  当然,善良的另一面,邪恶如影随形。诡计多端,自视甚高的绿妖怪特维格经常不请自来,给华斯比他们的冒险增添了无数的刺激和乐趣。
  • 泰剧 
    潘是个勤奋的人。自从他父母去世后,他辍学开始工作来养活自己和他的小弟弟。潘先生在他租来的房子前开了一个露天货摊,但几乎入不敷出。那是在他的一个顾客招募他为他朋友拥有的一家酒店当厨师之前。酒店老板通(音)是一位年轻而头脑发热的商人。他们实际上以前见过面,他们对彼此的印象不好。当潘发现通是这家旅馆的老板时,他立即拒绝在那里工作。然而,通要求他做这项工作,他不想被人看不起,所以决定接受这个职位。通一尝就喜欢上了潘的菜,但又不想丢脸,就跟潘说菜难吃。这两个人见面总是打架。但是过了一段时间,他们每天的争吵发展成了一些特别的事情  Poon is a hardworking guy. Ever since his parents passed away, he quit school and started working to provide for himself and his little brother. Poon opened a somtum stall in front of his rented house but could barely make ends meet. That was until one of his customers recruited him as a chef for a hotel owned by his friend.  The hotel owner, Tian, is a young and hot-headed businessman. They had actually met each other before and they had bad impression of each other. When Poon found out that Tian was the hotel owner he immediately refused to work there.  However, Tian challenged him to do the job and, not wanting to be looked down at, he decided to accept the position.  Tian fell in love with Poon's food once he tasted it but didn't want to lose his face, so he told Poon that the food was horrible. These two always fought when they see each other. But after some time, their daily spat grew into something special.
  • 已过而立之年的汉娜·梅滕(米娜·唐德 Mina Tander 饰)是一家医院的医生,虽然事业顺利,饮食无忧,且育有一个可爱的女儿莉娅(Lina Khlert 饰),但是她和丈夫的婚姻已经走入死胡同,身心疲惫不堪。这一晚,汉娜的医院接收一名服用安眠药过量生命垂危的患者,而对方正是汉娜童年时代的好朋友克拉丽莎(Laura de Boer 饰)。好友久别重逢,彼此互相倾诉心底的不快,进而相约暂时抛开现实生活中的一切,启程回到童年时留下无数快乐记忆的海边小岛。一路欢歌,汉娜带着女儿和克拉丽莎抵达目的地,但不知为何她似乎忘记了童年时在当地结识的另一位好友玛丽亚(Mia Kasalo 饰),也对曾经那段黑暗回忆印象稀薄。 只不过就如宿命一般,她必须在这里重拾被遗忘的人与物……
  • A young woman is found unconscious in a city street - claims to be another person who was brutally murdered two months earlier - escapes from a psychiatric hospital in order to prove her identity and find the truth about her life, her death, and her murderer.
  • 剧情 
    A part of Joan of Arc's life. At the beginning, Jeanne (Joan) has already left Domremy, she is trying to convince a captain to escort her to moxia.cc the Dauphin. It ends during Jeanne's first battle, at Orleans. Meanwhile, Jeanne is depicted more as a warrior than a saint (all cliches are avoided), with only her faith for strength.
  • 剧情 
  • 剧情 
  • 大饭店

    本片又名《总统失踪记》,由法国国宝级的著名喜剧大师——路易·德·菲耐斯主演。他通过夸张的形体动作和表情,生动地刻画出了法国市民阶层的典型性格。 赛普提姆先生(路易·德·菲耐斯 Louis de Funès 饰)是一家高档法国餐厅的经理,虽然为人又自私多疑、狡猾多变。但在酒店管理上却确实精明能干,对待前来用餐的客人也十分热情,时刻遵守餐馆操守,服务守则。一次,总统在赛普提姆先生的饭店参加宴会中突然失踪了。所有人都急坏了,赛普提姆先生和大家一起处寻找总统。在寻找总统的过程中发生了一系列啼笑皆非的事情,原来总统是设计逃脱宴会,为自己找个假期!
  • 喜剧 
  • Antonio and Paolo live happily together in Berlin and are finally getting married. They decide to celebrate in the small village in Italy where Antonio grew up. While his mother immediately supports his intentions, her husband Roberto, the town Mayor, is much more reluctant. Paulo, who has not spoken to his conservative mother in a long time, must get her to the wedding as a condition of the marriage. Throw in a couple of wacky roommates and the aisle to the alter is paved with hilarity, hijinks and lots of love!
  • 日以作夜是一个电影技术术语,意思是指在白天拍摄夜景,本片讲的就是一个电影拍摄过程中的故事。电影《Meet Pamela》正在如火如荼的拍摄中,导演Ferrand(弗朗索瓦特吕弗 Franois Truffaut饰)不仅要处理电影拍摄的事情,还要忙于照顾演员们的情绪。其中就有脆弱敏感的男主角Alphonse(让-皮埃尔利奥德 Jean-Pierre Léaud 饰)的感情问题,还有精神受挫的女星Julie Baker(杰奎琳比塞特 Jacqueline Bisset 饰)。电影还要赶在约定的时间之前完成,拍摄的进展也不甚顺利,一切看起来如此糟糕,《Meet Pamela》还能拍完吗……本片精彩地以“戏中戏”的结构展现了一部电影拍摄的过程。 本片获1974年奥斯卡最佳外语片奖。
  • 喜剧 
  • 喜剧 
    在商场当了六年保安的保罗(凯文·詹姆斯 Kevin James 饰)攒够了假期,带着即将上大学的女儿玛雅(莱妮·罗德里格兹 Raini Rodriguez 饰),来到“赌城”拉斯维加斯的安可酒店,参加保安大会。 会议中途,保罗无意间发现了一个密谋抢劫拉斯维加斯所有赌场的黑帮团伙,于是,他继续跨着电动平衡车,与其他前来参加大会的保安们一起,和天才黑帮首领斗智斗勇,保卫赌城……
  • 剧情 
    从近处看,米克尔似乎在欲望的笼罩中四处走动:找到他失踪的猪,获得生物学证明,在菜子沙漠中打破孤独。 但是,更进一步,米克尔似乎反而吸引了保罗。
  • 艾希曼

    艾希曼出生于德国的索林根,由于小时候肤色较深,而被同侪笑为犹太人。之后艾希曼加入纳粹党,1934年由于负责达豪集中营而受到海德里希的赏识;1937年艾希曼曾经前往海法与开罗,研究将犹太人移住巴勒斯坦的可能性,后来艾希曼向纳粹方面以经济理由反对将犹太人移往巴勒斯坦的计划。 1942 年艾希曼出席万湖会议,并且被任命负责屠杀犹太人的最终方案,并且晋升中校;将犹太人移送集中营的运输与屠杀作业大部分都是艾希曼负责。第二次世界大战之后,艾希曼被美国俘虏,但之后逃脱,在经过漫长的逃亡旅行后,艾希曼流亡到阿根廷。但是1961年以色列的情报部门摩萨德却查出艾希曼的下落,并且於 1960年5月11日将其逮捕,并秘密运至以色列。艾希曼的逮捕方式由於类似绑架,也引发阿根廷与以色列的外交纠纷